Teacher Facilitators
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Research Project














State Science Fair


Other Competitions

Check Students' Paperwork

Missing/Corrected Paperwork
Due Monday, January 27th. Can be sent via courier, brought to LBHS main desk by 2:00 pm, or brought to my classroom between 6:00 and 8:30 pm

- Forms in ink or printer, no pencil!
- All forms complete with signatures/dates

- Experiment start date on Forms 1A and 2 is after dates on Form 1B Approval Form and SRC approval
- Check spelling on title and abstract
- Watch out for "effect"/"affect"
- Abstract on State Form
- ISEF Rules cited in bibliography
- Project received School/Regional IRB/SRC prior to research (if required)

DO NOT SUBMIT any research involving Human Subjects, Vertebrate Animals, Recombinant DNA, Human/Animal Tissue, Controlled Substances, or any experiment using microorganisms (bacteria, mold, viruses) that have not received prior approval by either School or Regional IRB/SRC.
NOTE: Experiments with bacteria/mold may NOT be done in home!
Paperwork Deadline: January 15th
All student entrant paperwork must be received no later than 8:30 pm on January 15th ! Paperwork must be sent/delivered to Dr. Behel at Lake Brantley High School. You can personally deliver paperwork to front desk in main building (by 2:30 pm at latest) or send via courier. Dr. Behel will be in Building 5, Room 5006 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm for those who wish to turn in their paperwork after school hours. To get to Building 5, turn into LBHS at the second signal light, follow road around to pool, then park. Walk past tennis courts to left rear door of Building 5. Room 5006 is directly opposite this entrance door.
Assembling Paperwork for Regionals
The following paperwork is required for ALL projects...
- Individual/Team Entrant Form
(Be sure they checked floor/table; electricity need)
- Checklist for Adult Sponsor (Form 1)
- Research Plan (Form 1A)
- Research Plan Attachment
(Be sure ISEF Rules are cited in Bibliography)
- Approval Form (Form 1B)
- Abstract & Certification
(Be sure they used SSEF Abstract form)

All of paperwork must be completed in ink! No pencil!
Assemble in above order.
Staple in upper left corner.
Place each category in separate manila folder.
Label folder tab with Category and School Name.
Projects with Additional Paperwork
DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS of this paperwork.Send copies and place originals in binder and have student bring to Regional Fair. They may be required to show originals!

Please add the following, as required, after the Abstract...
- Designated Supervisor (Form 3)
- Human Subjects (Form 4A)
- Informed Consent (Form 4B)
- Non-Human Vertebrate Animal (Form 5)
- Vertebrate Animal Justification Write-Up
- Human/Non-Human Animal Tissue (Form 6)
- Continuation (Form 7)

Please staple above forms separate from other required forms.
Paperclip the two sets of forms together with jumbo paper clip.
Place in manila folder in appropriate category.
One Other Deadline!
Every affiliated School is asked to provide a minimum of three (3) adult chaperones for the Regional Fair. Chaperones are asked to serve a two-hour time block (7-9 am, 9-11 am, 11-1:00pm, or 1-3 pm). The 11-1:00 pm is the most important to "guard projects" while students are at lunch.
Please email list of adult chaperones, their home phone number, and the time slot they will be chaperoning.
Email to: sbehel@cfl.rr.com or
Thanks for your attention to this detail!